Behind the Body

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Podcast by Andrea Cutuk and Anna Daltro

Behind the Body

Welcome to Behind The Body, the podcast that's like having a personal health and fitness coach, two hilarious (at least they think so) BFFs, and a supportive community all rolled into one. Hosted by Andrea and Anna, Behind The Body is a podcast all about helping women of all ages achieve their health, fitness, and lifestyle goals in a fun, honest, and relatable way. Each episode gives you a refreshing take on health and fitness that's not all protein shakes and chicken breasts. Instead, based on their own unique experiences, Andrea and Anna discuss approaching health and fitness in a realistic and achievable way without sacrificing the things you love.  They'll dive into the real struggles women face when it comes to diet and exercise, how to create healthy habits that will stick, self-perception and confidence, and how to set realistic goals that don't leave you feeling discouraged. They'll cut through all the social media "fitfluencer" and diet trend BS, and you'll get practical tips and advice that actually work, as well as inspiring stories from women who have overcome (or still trying to overcome) their own health and fitness challenges.      

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17 July 2024

Getting Real About What Brings You Happiness Each Day

Hey there! Do you ever feel like you're just coasting through life, not quite feeling the happiness you crave? You've probably been told to just fake it till you make it, but let's be real - that approach doesn't quite cut it, does it? It can be frustrating, feeling like you're just going through the motions, not truly fulfilled or happy. If you're tired of the "fake it till you make it" mantra and want practical insights for finding daily happiness, dive into this episode, where we dig deep and explore some genuine ways to cultivate a more positive and empowered mindset in your daily life.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover simple ways to find daily happiness and boost your overall well-being.
  • Unlock the powerful impact of practicing gratitude on your happiness levels.
  • Uncover effective strategies for cultivating personal happiness and fulfillment in your life.
  • Explore the intricate relationship between health and happiness and how it can transform your daily experience.
  • Learn the importance of self-assessment in achieving and maintaining happiness in your life.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:06 - Finding Happiness

00:02:33 - Making Hard Life Changes

00:07:01 - Gratitude and Positive Outlook

00:11:54 - Health and Happiness

00:14:23 - Comparison and Negativity

00:14:56 - Empowerment through Self-Care and Discipline

00:17:42 - Pursuing Happiness Beyond Money

00:25:39 - Taking Responsibility for Happiness

00:29:17 - Shifting Your Mood in the Morning

00:29:55 - Expressing Gratitude

00:30:35 - Spreading Positivity

00:31:08 - Embracing Imperfection

00:31:40 - The Power of Positive Thinking

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03 July 2024

40s and Fit: How I Transformed My Body in My 40s

Discover the surprising journey of Andrea, a 43-year-old woman who has made a remarkable body transformation while in her 40s. From overcoming hormonal imbalances to defying genetic odds, her story will inspire and empower you to take charge of your own fitness journey. Stay tuned to uncover the unexpected twists and turns that led to her incredible success.

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In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Enhance Your Confidence and Strength: Explore the Journey of Body Transformation in Your Forties.
  • Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success: Unveiling the Challenges of Preparing for a Bodybuilding Show in Your 40s.
  • Unlock Your Fitness Potential: Discover the Vital Role of Hormonal Health in Your Fitness Journey.
  • Master Your Mindset: Unveil Strategies for Cultivating Self-Discipline in Your Fitness Routine.
  • Thrive with Support: Understanding the Impact of Support Systems on Achieving Your Fitness Goals.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:06 - Getting ready for the show

00:03:09 - Andrea's Transformation

00:07:00 - The Power of Consistency

00:10:22 - Embracing Change and Aging

00:14:54 - Balancing Priorities, Responsibilities and Self-care

00:17:24 - Recognizing Health Issues

00:25:44 - Taking Control and Making Changes

00:29:36 - Supportive Networks in Transformation

00:35:29 - Embracing Age and Being the Best Version of Yourself

00:44:51 - Empowerment of Women and Self-Care

00:47:02 - Dealing with Self-Doubt

00:48:50 - Making Hard Decisions

00:51:50 - Living the Fitness Lifestyle

00:54:19 - Empowerment and Support



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26 June 2024

Reigniting Your Fitness Fire: Tactics to Reboot Your Routine

Reigniting Your Fitness Fire: Tactics to Reboot Your Routine

Have you ever struggled to get back into your workout routine after a break? Maybe you've been told just to jump back in, only to find it overwhelming and exhausting. The struggle to regain your fitness habits and motivation can be incredibly frustrating, leaving you feeling defeated and unsure where to start. If this resonates with you, you're not alone. Let's explore how to make the return to your fitness routine more manageable and realistic.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Reestablish your workout routine with ease and consistency.
  • Discover the secrets to maintaining healthy eating habits after a vacation.
  • Conquer exercise motivation challenges and stay on track with your fitness goals.
  • Unlock meal prep strategies to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule.
  • Learn how to balance your social life while still achieving your fitness goals.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:06 - Re-establishing Healthy Habits

00:03:24 - Overcoming Setbacks

00:07:00 - Maintaining Momentum

00:10:57 - Quality Time Beyond Dining Out

00:12:26 - Embracing Individual Definitions of Fun

00:13:39 - Embracing Routine and Consistency

00:15:31 - The Perils of Breaking Routine

00:19:14 - Coming Back Strong from a Vacation

00:23:06 - Returning to the Basics

00:24:45 - The Secret to Success

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12 June 2024

The #1 Reason You Aren't Reaching Your Goals (and How to Fix It)

Hey friends! In this week's episode, we get real about excuses - how they impact our lives and fitness journeys, why we make them, and most importantly, how to overcome them. We know excuses are inevitable (we are definitely not immune!), but we share our own personal tactics for not letting excuses win, like being ruthlessly honest with ourselves, making commitments we can't break, and outsourcing what we don't like doing. We also talk about taking baby steps instead of going all in, readjusting your mindset, and understanding that you don't have to be perfect. The key is knowing yourself and where you're at - it's okay if you aren't ready yet! In the comments, let us know what your biggest excuse is and how you plan to overcome it. We can all inspire each other! And don't forget to like and subscribe for more real talk every week.

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The key moments in this episode are:

00:02:35 - Differentiating Between Excuses and Reality

00:06:08 - Challenges of Healthy Habits

00:12:04 - Setting Realistic Goals

00:14:20 - Excuses and Taking Action

00:15:12 - Honesty and Personal Accountability

00:17:01 - Overcoming Resistance

00:21:32 - Prioritizing Self-Care

00:27:50 - Managing Excuses

00:29:43 - Baby Steps Towards Goals

00:35:01 - Importance of Scheduling and Outsourcing

00:37:28 - The Power of Accountability

00:42:12 - Setting Attainable Goals

00:43:03 - Accepting Reality and Making Sustainable Changes

00:43:55 - Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

00:50:05 - The Importance of Education and Knowledge



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29 May 2024

Real Talk on Beauty, Botox, and Aging

Andrea and Anna share their personal insights on aging gracefully and embracing the process. From skincare routines to cosmetic procedures, they dive deep into their experiences and practical tips for feeling confident and looking your best. Uncover their candid conversations and be inspired to take charge of your own aging journey.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover practical tips for embracing aging and feeling more confident in your skin.
  • Learn the importance of skincare in aging and how it can enhance your overall appearance and confidence.
  • Explore how healthy eating can improve your skin and help you age gracefully.
  • Uncover the impact of hydration on aging and how it can revitalize your skin for a more youthful look.
  • Understand the benefits of exercise on aging and how it can contribute to a healthier, more vibrant appearance.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:06 - Embracing the Aging Process

00:02:30 - Impact of Skincare and Nutrition

00:05:58 - The Effects of Alcohol Consumption

00:09:46 - Balancing Lifestyle Choices

00:13:19 - Long-term Health and Exercise

00:13:36 - Embracing a Long Life

00:16:18 - Cosmetic Procedures and Self-Image

00:21:44 - Embracing Self-Improvement

00:27:25 - Embracing Self-Acceptance and Taking Care of Your Body

00:28:51 - Not Comparing Yourself to Others

00:31:40 - Invest in Yourself

00:35:52 - At-Home Skincare and Beauty Procedures

00:39:52 - Morning Skincare Routine

00:42:08 - Sun Protection

00:43:52 - Embracing Aging

00:46:36 - Future Procedures

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15 May 2024

Crop Tops and Bikinis at 40+? Hell Yes!

Have you been told that hitting a certain age means it's time to cover up and dress more conservatively? Are you feeling the pressure and judgment from society as you embrace aging? Let's unpack the ineffective societal expectations placed on women as they approach their 40s and the impact it's having on their confidence and self-expression. Join us as we explore breaking free from these limiting beliefs and embracing aging confidently and authentically. 👯 😻 🥳

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:06 - Embracing the Aging Process

00:01:45 - Overcoming Age-Related Anxieties

00:07:24 - Achieving Goals Regardless of Age

00:11:50 - Challenging Societal Norms

00:14:19 - Dealing with judgment and societal expectations

00:17:00 - Embracing self-confidence and body positivity

00:21:55 - Society's pressure on women's aging and appearance

00:24:40 - Awareness of physical aging and self-image

00:26:32 - Metabolism and Aging

00:27:13 - Hormonal Changes and Aging

00:28:16 - Aging Gracefully

00:29:18 - Looking Ahead

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